Forums - Strider, Dr. Doom trap Help Show all 63 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Strider, Dr. Doom trap Help ( Posted by FLipFloP on 03:26:2001 06:33 AM: Can some tell me how to do the trap in Old Person terms with Strider and Dr. Doom Trap if they know how..Its the one where you Teleport.. and stuff on top of them while AA-Dr.Doom does his thing. Posted by Strider_ShiedoShaw on 03:26:2001 07:04 AM: too many variations- I do the cheap version that always hits- pull out doom's air assist, teleport behind the character and don't attack, just sit there blocking. Because you aren't attacking, the opponent can't block doom rocks from behind. they probably won't figure it out to jump, and when the rocks hit them, they'll fly right into you. Pull off the ouroboros special and they'll fly into it. If you just wanna chip em to death, call out doom, teleport above and behind, kick em on the way down, and start a dial combo, by the time you finish the dial combo, dooms rocks have chipped by then, so they'll be trapped in the dial combo. Right at the end of the dial, pull off the orob super, call out doom, teleport behind, dial away while the rocks hit behind, keep dialing till doom leaves, you should be filling up super by then. Right when the super ends, do a five hit dial, combo in doom during the five hit, and then teleport behind and repeat. that's just the way I do can change it up if they get wise to it Posted by DrewSpiegel on 03:26:2001 08:06 AM: hehe, nice shiedoshaw, I never thought of that! Gonna have to give it a shot soon. Posted by SinfestBoy on 03:26:2001 08:12 AM: are you shitting me?!?!?!?! they cant block if you dont attack!?!?!? you LIE!!!! unless a mod or someone who is notorious tells me otherwise, I wont believe it. not even if I do it tomorrow to a bunch of ppl. no. not gonna! P.S. Can you do it with psylocke instead of strider? cause I dont like strider, and I'm pretty sure all the teleports are all the same. Posted by Nate X Grey on 03:26:2001 08:30 AM: quote: Originally posted by SinfestBoy: are you shitting me?!?!?!?! they cant block if you dont attack!?!?!? you LIE!!!! unless a mod or someone who is notorious tells me otherwise, I wont believe it. not even if I do it tomorrow to a bunch of ppl. no. not gonna! P.S. Can you do it with psylocke instead of strider? cause I dont like strider, and I'm pretty sure all the teleports are all the same. I think its somehow true. There's a flaw in the game mechanic that says only one person can block on the screen at any one time. That's why you'll never see 2 people blocking at the same time. I think I was on the receiving end of it once with Spidey's capture assist. I'm not too sure how this works through. But I'm starting to think along the lines of Strider/T.Bonne projectile..... DefiNATEly NOT Cable... Posted by SinfestBoy on 03:26:2001 08:31 AM: actually, 2 ppl can block at the same time. I did it 2 or 3 times today. Posted by bison812 on 03:26:2001 08:39 PM: flip the way i learn how to do is different then the way everyone else does it i call out doom and throw out a bird xx into the orbs taping jab i teleport behind them throwing out a ferice or roundhouse on the way down before doom leaves i do a regular chain jab short strong forward before the orbs end call out doom and throw out a cat and repeat the trap again you can also add a qcfxjabxx into the orbs if you dont want to call out a cat either one works for me. Posted by Strider_ShiedoShaw on 03:26:2001 11:09 PM: here's what i mean. the opponenets blocking motion won't begin unless you attack them right. If you just crouch in front of them and do nothing, they can't block, because you aren't giving them an attack to block. So, to use assists in this manner, get close to your opponent, cross them up (jump to the other side) and call out your assist right when your are above them, so that your assist comes out from one side and you land on the other side of them. What happens is, since you just land to the right and don't attack, the opponent can't initiate the block, and they get hit from behind all the time. They can't from behind Try it with ice man's projectile assist. Walk up to somebody who's blocking, jump over them at the peak of your jump, call out ice man assist, land on the other side, and block. They'll always get shot in the back. I'm pretty sure you can see where this is going with strider's teleports.... Posted by MarkyMark on 03:27:2001 01:59 AM: There's nothing limiting you from blocking an assist behind you - you just have to hold backwards relative to the point character. The only thing I can think of (that thing that's making people believe you can't block) is that you have to hold the stick away from the point character... So if Strider's in front of you and Doom's behind, you hold backwards, towards Doom, but away from Strider. There's no problem blocking that, though it may be a little confusing. The point character doesn't have to initiate the opponent's block for it to block the assist. Seriously, folks, if this were a valid strategy, don't you think it would've been discovered and exploited LONG before now? Fin. Mark Ryan Sallee Posted by Strider_ShiedoShaw on 03:27:2001 02:29 AM: well i've personally 'tried' it with multiple characters,and what I end up with is that when you jump to one side of a character, and your assist is on the other, and you don't attack, your opponent will end up walking backwards right into the move. I thought that this was common knowledge, since i'd seen it all over gamefaqs,and verified that it worked as far as doom is concerned, you have to time it right. if doom comes out before strider is fully behind, then you're right, you can block correctly. Buy if you do so that strider is above and behind before the rocks are thrown, they'll just end up walking back into the rocks. same with all the assists that shoot stuff from one side without advancing. never know Posted by dairy queen guy on 03:27:2001 11:03 AM: it is wrong to misinform people. the only thing here that might be true is two people blocking at the same time can't happen, but what will strider be blocking? how does he initiate his block so you can't initiate yours? once an assist is called you can block. as long as you're holding away from the primary character you will block whatever from whatever side whatever the fuck is going on, you'll block it. Posted by SeaTowN_PlaYa on 03:27:2001 11:45 AM: Your some funny shit Dairy Queen laid the law down. Posted by Strider87 on 03:27:2001 12:39 PM: quote: Originally posted by SeaTowN_PlaYa: Your some funny shit Dairy Queen laid the law down. I agree Posted by MarkyMark on 03:28:2001 12:34 AM: quote: Originally posted by Strider_ShiedoShaw: well i've personally 'tried' it with multiple characters,and what I end up with is that when you jump to one side of a character, and your assist is on the other, and you don't attack, your opponent will end up walking backwards right into the move. I thought that this was common knowledge, since i'd seen it all over gamefaqs,and verified that it worked as far as doom is concerned, you have to time it right. if doom comes out before strider is fully behind, then you're right, you can block correctly. Buy if you do so that strider is above and behind before the rocks are thrown, they'll just end up walking back into the rocks. same with all the assists that shoot stuff from one side without advancing. never know That's not true. Fin. Mark Ryan Sallee Posted by FLipFloP on 03:28:2001 01:31 AM: Thanks for all the help...and one more thing..who goes good with Strider and Dr Doom? Posted by MarkyMark on 03:28:2001 01:33 AM: quote: Originally posted by FLipFloP: Thanks for all the help...and one more thing..who goes good with Strider and Dr Doom? Usually a good anit-air assist... CapCom and Blackheart are good. A lot of people also like to throw Omega Red on the front of the team to build the meter that's essential to the Strider/Doom trap. Fin. Mark Ryan Sallee Posted by CompassSaviour on 03:28:2001 03:15 AM: yo, even if you could walk backwards into the rocks, there'd be a way to not walk backwards and remain bloacking, crouch block. The cross up only works on scrub who haven't learned to look for the point man for blocking directions. Posted by mvc2 on 03:28:2001 05:29 AM: Hey FlipFlop, listen to Strider_ShiedoShaw, cause thats the best possible way to do it.And thats the method I use, so go with him. Posted by Strider_ShiedoShaw on 03:28:2001 07:37 AM: "that's not true, fin" o.........................................k like rumplestiltskin said "fuckith me!" Posted by aks216 on 03:28:2001 07:45 AM: how do you play a good trider doom trap against cable? Posted by PsionicTempest on 03:28:2001 11:13 AM: What the hell is the use of arguing about it if you dont believe it. Try, it. I had the same argument when i first heard of your opponent not being able to block if the point does not initiate their blocking sequence. Hence i turned on my DC, and in training mode I put the DUMMY on 'allguard'. Simple. It worked. Where have you people been? This is old news. <IMG SRC=""> [This message has been edited by PsionicTempest (edited 03-27-2001).] Posted by PsionicTempest on 03:28:2001 11:29 AM: Anyway about the trap, I agree w/ MarkyMark abour having Omega Red, etc. It is nice to have a battery character before you bring in Strider, yet it is not necessary if the trap is done correctly. My basic 'rhythym' of trap: Dash in jab -> c.short -> s.strong. -> s.fierce + call doom -> s.roundhouse -> teleport up/behind -> j.fierce -> s.jab -> c.short -> s.fierce XX Tiger XX Orubos -> and cause havoc until Orbs run out -> repeat. Thats basically the way i like to do it. You can add your own twist(s), etc. Also, you can ask Sybernija, he has one of the best Strider/Dooms. Posted by DrewSpiegel on 03:28:2001 12:21 PM: OH MY GOD IT WORKS. So hilarious, I was in a heated match where this guy coming out with a totally unforgiving Spiral/Sentinel/Blackheart. I set myself up on the other side of my Doom assist, do what SS said, and it WORKS. Hella funny. They can't block because you aren't attacking. It's a glitch in the system. PSIONIC TEMPEST! HOW DID YOU GET THAT IMAGE! Posted by Mr. Smellypants on 03:28:2001 12:59 PM: Like DQ guy said, it is wrong to give bad advice but this is for something diff. First of all SS, your trap is no good, it might work that way but the opponent will have an easy time getting out of it. First of all, ALWAYS call a bird or tiger b4 doing orbs, otherwise you can jump or superjump and pretty much avoid the trap altogether. I almost never use orbs unless its cancelled from a bird just as a safety precaution and to keep a good trap going. Second, if you get push blocked always dash back in or teleport back into thier face. Don't listen to all this using dial combo BS. Once your on the other side of them just mash jab, don't bother with dialing because if u get pushblocked in the middle of a strong or forward 20% of the time you won't be able to get close enough to the opponent again in time and they will get out of the trap. 3rd, when using strider/doom NEVER throw out standing or crouching fierces and roundhouses. I CANNOT stress this enough. If you throw out a fierce or roundhouse and your opponent pushblocks, 99% of the time, you wont recover fast enough to get back in the opponent's face and your trap is ruined. I've posted on this fucking subject like 50 times and I DO know wtf I'm talking about. I play strider/doom a LOT and I know every way how people break out of it and how to prevent it. THE TRAP 1-Basically u call doom, then call bird xx Orbs immediately after and teleport behind and drop with a light attack. 2-Once you are behind him mash jab as fast as u can and when orbs has about 10-15% timer left call doom, teleport to other side and do jab twice <-(optional) bird xx Orbs. 3-Repeat step 2 until opponent is dead. This is the CORRECT basic model for strider/doom, make sure to try to keep it tight and the timing right. Leave little or no gaps for them to call AAA. If your trap is precise enough, they wont be able to get out and you won't have to tailor you strategy much if something unplanned comes up. Posted by Dangerous on 03:28:2001 04:46 PM: Jeez, Mr. Smelly Pants, you think you're the only one? Anyways, he's right on all acounts, ESPECIALLY on his second and third points. Even if strider's orbs connects (which is kinda rare that it does) his ground chain would awkwardly throw the hitted opponent out of the super, and he would be able to block the rest of the super, causeing stider to teleport and start over. That assist crossup would work, but it reminds of ryu's fireballs; don't relie or use it too much BTW do you think sentinel's drones would work as well doom's rocks? I mean, as far as I can tell, they are both hit on the ground and sentinel's assist can stun the opponent (hitting or not)long enough to start striders orbs. However, I know that it would be impossible to consider this a trap, so just think of it as a one shot deal to throw the opponent off. Posted by PsionicTempest on 03:28:2001 09:29 PM: In reply to Mr Smelly Pants The reason i use so many fierces and roundhouses is because they build meter very quickly. And having meter is always a plus because the Orbs keep your opponent on defensive. Also, i never said you should 'dial' away at ur opponent if Doom is not on the opposite side of them. I only throw out the FP or RK when they are sandwiched. You'll simply get push blocked. ALso, I agree with Smelly Pants about Strider_ShiedoShaw's 'trap', it's ok to use as an attack once in a while. But it is not a trap. It is easily escaped. Ok more on the trap: If you have Orbs activated and Doom assist is done, and your opponents push blocks Strider; Tap Jab rapidly(to throw out Orbs), and teleport to the other side -> j.fierce -> call doom -> teleport/upbehind ... The key to keeping your opponent trapped is to keep them in block stun as long as possible, w/ as little gaps as possible. Large gaps = Invincible AAA and your opponent on offensive. ps, I forgot to mention Smelly Pants has the ONLY Correct Version of the trap guys. Like i havent been playing Strider/Doom from the start. Anyway, I'm not here to start a flame war, FlipFlop can choose whatever works for him. Late. Posted by MarkyMark on 03:29:2001 12:55 AM: quote: Originally posted by aks216: how do you play a good trider doom trap against cable? Call Doom and teleport to the other side of Cable, Bird XX Orbs. Trap begins. AHVB gets stopped by rocks, so most Cables won't bother trying. Fin. Mark Ryan Sallee Posted by FLipFloP on 03:29:2001 02:29 AM: Is theyre anything or anybody in the game who can stop this Trap of Stridey and Doomy Posted by AzN_Skater on 03:29:2001 02:50 AM: The only one i can think of is ken AAA Posted by MarkyMark on 03:29:2001 04:25 AM: quote: Originally posted by FLipFloP: Is theyre anything or anybody in the game who can stop this Trap of Stridey and Doomy An invincible AAA, such as Ken and Cammy, will cut through Orbs and Rocks. If the guy's in block stun, he can't call the assist, so watch out for your gaps - that's when you should be aware of the threat. Also, Felicia's sand kicks can keep Doom off screen, but no one uses Felicia anyway. Fin. Mark Ryan Sallee Posted by MarkyMark on 03:29:2001 04:31 AM: quote: Originally posted by DrewSpiegel: OH MY GOD IT WORKS. So hilarious, I was in a heated match where this guy coming out with a totally unforgiving Spiral/Sentinel/Blackheart. I set myself up on the other side of my Doom assist, do what SS said, and it WORKS. Hella funny. They can't block because you aren't attacking. It's a glitch in the system. I still hold that it's not true. I'm playing with it in training mode on Dreamcast, and nothing is happening. I call Doom, teleport immediately to the other side, don't attack at all, and Doom's rocks are blocked (when the AI is set on All Guard). Psionic Tempest, you say it worked for you... You might want to try again and make sure it wasn't set to "Auto Block" - that's different than "All Guard." As long as the opponent is blocking relative to your point character, there's no problem blocking an assist behind them. Thank you. Fin. Mark Ryan Sallee Posted by Nate X Grey on 03:29:2001 07:02 PM: Ok, I'll play around with it on my dreamcast tomorrow(if I have the time! ) and settle the blocking problem once and for all. But I do not recall ever seeing both characters blocking at the same time. Maybe its only me. Whatever. I'll try to find out the answer to that tomorrow. DefiNATEly NOT Cable... Posted by DrewSpiegel on 03:29:2001 08:00 PM: The only prob I have with allguard is that I think it'll block anything regardless if it's possible for a human to actually do it. Posted by Nate X Grey on 03:29:2001 08:17 PM: quote: Originally posted by DrewSpiegel: The only prob I have with allguard is that I think it'll block anything regardless if it's possible for a human to actually do it. Yup! Like how they block a jump in + Bone Wolvie gamma and how they manage to NOT block a j.lp XX coil when you set it to "Jump, All Guard". Makes it look like Omega Red guardbreaks but it doesn't work on a human. That's why I'll be trying it with 2 joysticks on versus mode. DefiNATEly NOT Cable... Posted by MarkyMark on 03:30:2001 12:31 AM: quote: Originally posted by Nate X Grey: Yup! Like how they block a jump in + Bone Wolvie gamma Mmm, I think that has to do with something else... Or does that really completely break a human opponent? I thought that if you were still blocking a hit from high, a low attack won't break the guard... Kind of like Strider's Orbs. If an Orb hits high (all Orbs do) and you do c.LK at the same time, it's all blocked high. ...But then again, that is working against the AI (I'm such a Dreamcast whore). Fin. Mark Ryan Sallee Posted by cheese_master on 03:30:2001 12:55 AM: Nate X Grey.... The omega red guard breaks work on people too buddy. You probably are not timing your jumps right or not pausing to wait for the guard to break. Posted by MarkyMark on 03:30:2001 03:04 AM: quote: Originally posted by Nate X Grey: Ok, I'll play around with it on my dreamcast tomorrow(if I have the time! ) and settle the blocking problem once and for all. But I do not recall ever seeing both characters blocking at the same time. I don't think that matters in the question at hand, really. Because if the opponent supposedly can't initiate a block until you attack, you also can't initiate a block unless they attack... And so this supposed manipulation of the engine would occur whether or not you hold back or down-back. And Drew, what things does All Guard block that shouldn't be? Fin. Mark Ryan Sallee Posted by mvc2 on 03:30:2001 07:39 AM: You will never be able to xscape that trap, if you are in the corner.If you keep getting that thing from doom, the molecular slide(whatever) and striders dissapear, he will continuously hit you with combos, hit after hit and that pattern will just continue. Posted by PsionicTempest on 03:30:2001 07:42 AM: I know i said to try it w/ ALLGUARD in practice mode, but i tried it w/ against my friend in practice mode, so i figured it work that way also. I may have been incorrect against ALLGUARD, but i am 100% sure it works against a human. Its hard to do consistently. I didnt say to teleport either. It works w/ me when you normal jump over your opponent, and at the peak of the jump call doom, and block as you land. Works every time. The oponent backs into doom if using standing block, or just sits there and eats rock if its crouch block. I will try against allguard this weekend. Maybe the ALLGuard blocks eveything, reguardless as you said. If you can try it w/ a friend try it. The opponent WILL be able to block if Doom appears while you are on the same side of the opponent as Doom is. Posted by MarkyMark on 03:30:2001 08:49 AM: quote: Originally posted by PsionicTempest: i am 100% sure it works against a human. Its hard to do consistently. I didnt say to teleport either. It works w/ me when you normal jump over your opponent, and at the peak of the jump call doom, and block as you land. Works every time. The oponent backs into doom if using standing block, or just sits there and eats rock if its crouch block. I just tried it. I went to practice mode, set it on manual, and put a controller on the floor, leaning on the stick so that the opponent was in crouch-block. I jumped over him, called Doom at the peak (and after I was a little over, and right as I just jumped - I tried everything) and he blocked it all. Fin. Mark Ryan Sallee Posted by Mr. Smellypants on 03:30:2001 09:44 AM: quote: Originally posted by mvc2: You will never be able to xscape that trap, if you are in the corner.If you keep getting that thing from doom, the molecular slide(whatever) and striders dissapear, he will continuously hit you with combos, hit after hit and that pattern will just continue. WRONG!!! Its actually EASIER to escape the trap when your cornered. 1st- It leaves a LOT more room for them to pushblock and escape. 2nd- You can NOT do orbs until your previous orbs are off the screen. By teleporting onto the other side of the guy after dropping doom it hurries this process because the screen movement makes the orbs dissapear faster. If u got them cornered and after doom's gone, theres not really much you can do to keep them in place ong enough for you to bring out another orbs. In that case after your orbs is run out, your only SAFE option to keep them blocking long enough to do orbs is to do jab,jab, RH. A smart opponent will see this and pushblock the RH and your trap is finished. Posted by beta on 03:30:2001 09:54 AM: quote: Originally posted by PsionicTempest: What the hell is the use of arguing about it if you dont believe it. Try, it. I had the same argument when i first heard of your opponent not being able to block if the point does not initiate their blocking sequence. Hence i turned on my DC, and in training mode I put the DUMMY on 'allguard'. Simple. It worked. Where have you people been? This is old news. <IMG SRC=""> [This message has been edited by PsionicTempest (edited 03-27-2001).] The cpu is screwed. It doesn't blocks after any throw too. Posted by Nate X Grey on 03:30:2001 07:10 PM: I haven't had time to try it yet because I was out the whole day. Can someone go to versus mode and pick 2 Striders and do his bird bomb move from opposite ends of the screen? See if you can get both Striders to block it. I'm not sure if they'll cancel each other out, but I guess we'll need a move with a quick recovery so you can do the move THEN block. Can someone try this out? And bone-Wolvie gamma+Magneto triangle jump is unblockable as far as I know. I'm not sure, but if you kick them and Wolvie hits at the same time, I dunno if its blockable. DefiNATEly NOT Cable... Posted by MarkyMark on 03:31:2001 07:14 PM: quote: Originally posted by Nate X Grey See if you can get both Striders to block it. I'm not sure if they'll cancel each other out, but I guess we'll need a move with a quick recovery so you can do the move THEN block. Can someone try this out? I've blocked assists at the same time my opponent blocks mine. Posted by PsionicTempest on 03:31:2001 07:52 PM: quote: Originally posted by MarkyMark I just tried it. I went to practice mode, set it on manual, and put a controller on the floor, leaning on the stick so that the opponent was in crouch-block. I jumped over him, called Doom at the peak (and after I was a little over, and right as I just jumped - I tried everything) and he blocked it all. Fin. Mark Ryan Sallee Try it again. I am sure of it. Like i said it is hard to do consistently. Try it w/ Iceman instead of Doom if you cant get it w/ Doom. It is not easy but it DOES work. Posted by MarkyMark on 03:31:2001 08:10 PM: quote: Originally posted by PsionicTempest Try it again. I am sure of it. Like i said it is hard to do consistently. Try it w/ Iceman instead of Doom if you cant get it w/ Doom. It is not easy but it DOES work. Explain why it's difficult and why it would work... ...Because it doesn't work. Posted by KusanagiClan on 03:31:2001 08:25 PM: The reason that theory of not being able to block with doom on the other side of strider is that your friend didn't block the right way, if you block according to where strider is, he'll block the assists regardless of where they are. I'm pretty of this. Although if you said your opponent backed up into the rocks that seems pretty odd, and does seem like it's unblockable. Oh well, most people tend to superjump when they see doom's rocks come out anyways... Posted by KusanagiClan on 03:31:2001 08:36 PM: quote: Originally posted by Mr. Smellypants THE TRAP 1-Basically u call doom, then call bird xx Orbs immediately after and teleport behind and drop with a light attack. 2-Once you are behind him mash jab as fast as u can and when orbs has about 10-15% timer left call doom, teleport to other side and do jab twice <-(optional) bird xx Orbs. 3-Repeat step 2 until opponent is dead. This is the CORRECT basic model for strider/doom, make sure to try to keep it tight and the timing right. Leave little or no gaps for them to call AAA. If your trap is precise enough, they wont be able to get out and you won't have to tailor you strategy much if something unplanned comes up. I know this version is meant to be as solid as possible and not allow for gaps, but is there a way to call two doom assists per oroboros and still have it 'inescapable'? Also, does pushblocking a strider with oroboros not knock him back, what about pushblocking a non orbed strider with doom infront or behind? Posted by MarkyMark on 03:31:2001 08:57 PM: quote: Originally posted by KusanagiClan I know this version is meant to be as solid as possible and not allow for gaps, but is there a way to call two doom assists per oroboros and still have it 'inescapable'? Also, does pushblocking a strider with oroboros not knock him back, what about pushblocking a non orbed strider with doom infront or behind? I don't think there's any way to call two Dooms. I've found that if I call Doom, then do Bird XX Orbs that there's no problem calling a second Doom at the end, but then it becomes impossible to call Doom right as you do Bird XX Orbs for the second time. So, nope. If Doom's rocks are hitting the opponent, they can push block Doom backwards, I believe, but it doesn't affect Strider. If Orbs are on and hitting the opponent, then Strider uses gets pushed a little back and Doom's unaffected. Can anyone confirm this? Just a note... It has been, in my experience, rare that an opponent can properly push block. I was at that last big Folsom tournament on February 17th, and no one I played was able to push block my Strider/Doom even mildly effectively. All my opponents that day were pretty solid players, too, but I think it's just due to lack of exposure to the trap (and the fact that there are so many variations of it). Push blocking Strider when he has Orbs on doesn't do hardly anything, except increase stun and not allow you to push block at a time when it might be more appropriate (I.E. when Orbs are done and you're waiting for the little robot guys to get off screen). I was able to do the following trap without any problems, and without proper push blocking, there's only one small gap, escapable by super jump (and if they super jump, they come back down into Orbs anyway, unless they're Storm or stay in the air with special moves or something): 1) Call Doom 2) Teleport behind opponent, drop with HP 3) Bird XX Orbs 4) Teleport behind opponent, drop with HP 5) Dash, WP, dash, WP, dash, WP, repeat until Orbs meter is nearly gone 6) Call Doom AAA 7) Teleport behind, drop with HP (Orbs ends now) 8) Dash, WP, WK, WP, WK, HP, HK XX Bird XX Orbs 9) Repeat In theory, the stupid ground chain at the end of the trap should be easy to push block, but in practice, no one was able to. Perhaps I'm not fighting the right opponents, but from my experience, this is, in general, the most effective form of the trap. Posted by KusanagiClan on 03:31:2001 10:39 PM: How about some possible set ups for this thing? Here's my perception of the possible set ups: 1) Doom's rocks, as long as any rocks were able to keep the opponent grounded, strider can teleport and trap. 2) teleport and FP, same thing as doom pretty much, keep them grounded. 3) toss a bird or dog, I'm not too sure about this one from a far distance, as it seems they can superjump away. 4) chain combo into bird, even if pushblocked you can still oro and teleport, need confirmation on this one too, can the opponent superjump? that's about all I can think of, please add to this or correct any errors. For the actual trap, I'm not too clear on your descriptions. I'm confused about the parts where either doom or oro should be maintaining the block stun. It's clear that only one doom should be used per oro, so I thought that if you just wear out your entire oro and call doom at the very end, doom would act as an extension of the oro for you to teleport and give you time in between activating oro, and during that time you are free to hack away at the opponent to build more meter. But someone stated that you should call doom and still have oro on for the final teleport, which would lead to another question, does that even allow doom enough time to get off screen and be able be called again before strider is left on his own.....Is either way acceptable? or is there a fault in them? Posted by MarkyMark on 04:01:2001 12:27 AM: quote: Originally posted by KusanagiClan that's about all I can think of, please add to this or correct any errors. Best ways to start the trap are to get the guy in block stun, throw a Bird and activate Orbs. Using just Doom, you can call Doom and teleport behind the opponent - the rocks should keep him in stun (and keep him from attacking you) while you do Bird XX Orbs - the bird does a surprisingly good job and keeping opponents grounded (people hit it ALL the time). Another good way (if you're playing a typical Strider/Doom/CapCom) is to call CapCom, and Bird XX Orbs right away. CapCom stops any jumps, and Orbs get their groove on without any danger from the opponent (CapCom also takes out almost any projectile). quote: For the actual trap, I'm not too clear on your descriptions. The only gap in the trap I described is between the HK and the Bird. Since the Bird isn't instant, it takes a while to travel above the opponent. But this is exactly why I prefer the Bird over the Dog. If the opponent super jumps as soon as the HK is blocked, then he'll avoid the Bird. But since most people aren't so quick, they end up jumping right into the Bird. Then Orbs come on and they continue the pressure. You call Doom right as there's about 10% of the Orb meter left - you wanna give some time between calling Doom and Obs ending, because Doom's rocks don't hit immediately and he takes some time to get on screen. Once he's on screen and the rocks are spinning at his feet, Strider teleports behind the opponent, drops with HP to push them further into Doom, and dashes in for the chain to build meter and hold 'em in place while the robot guys leave the screen. Then Bird XX Orbs, and it starts over again. Posted by PsionicTempest on 04:01:2001 01:39 AM: quote: Originally posted by KusanagiClan The reason that theory of not being able to block with doom on the other side of strider is that your friend didn't block the right way, if you block according to where strider is, he'll block the assists regardless of where they are. I'm pretty of this. Although if you said your opponent backed up into the rocks that seems pretty odd, and does seem like it's unblockable. Oh well, most people tend to superjump when they see doom's rocks come out anyways... I didnt start playing yesterday and neither did my friend. He knows how to block, and hes had alot of exposure to my Strider/Doom. Anyway I'm tired of arguing this point, I'll just assume me and whoever else who said this works is Crazy. Posted by Mr. Smellypants on 04:01:2001 01:48 AM: I guess maybe it's just me because I play strider/doom team an awful lot so when I play someone whos using it against me, I know all the tricks to getting out of it. I just sit there and wait for em to screw up which is pretty easy to do if you havent perfected the trap. I either wait for them to forget the bird and SJ, either that or I wait for the RH or FP to come out eventually and pushblock. Its more of a reaction/anticipation thing, you gotta predict when hes gonna throw out that RH/FP and pushblock as soon as he does it and your home free. Usually after I pushblock the RH/FP I do sj to escape or call assist immediately. Even if the assist fails to knock out strider, it will take the hit for you and allow you a bit of breathing room to move. I think most opponents aren't able to escape strider/doom simply because they see the amount of chip damage its doin to them and they start panicking, therefore are not able to think clearly. Posted by FLipFloP on 04:01:2001 04:55 AM: Wow SO Many replies in my Topic thanks for the feed back everybody Posted by Strider_ShiedoShaw on 04:01:2001 04:59 AM: shit this thread is still going? ok, I "know" that I don't have a great strider trap, so that much is proven. I'm learning this game and all of these threads are helping me too. as for all the non believers of the "free hit" glitch, why is it so hard to believe? If you don't attack, they can't block. How can they block an attack from behind, that doesn't initiate block. They always walk back into the attack. If you're trying and aren't getting it right, you either: A. Don't know how to do it properly B. Can't admit you made a mistake Like I said a loooooong time ago, that's old news, and it's useless anyway unless you plan on crossing up every other second cause it doesn't even work right with super jumps. It's not really pratical, but it DOES work. Posted by MarkyMark on 04:01:2001 06:38 AM: Re: shit this thread is still going? quote: Originally posted by Strider_ShiedoShaw as for all the non believers of the "free hit" glitch, why is it so hard to believe? If you don't attack, they can't block. How can they block an attack from behind, that doesn't initiate block. They always walk back into the attack. Download the following MPEG - explain it. It was done in training mode, on manual mode, so my cousin was manually blocking - can't blame it on "All Guard." ...Unless I'm "not getting it right." And if it were viable, it'd be hugely practical. Posted by MarkyMark on 04:01:2001 08:54 PM: Bump. I should've added this before, but you have to copy the link and paste it - GeoCities has some guard against links from other sites. Right click, "Copy Link," paste in address bar. Posted by aks216 on 04:01:2001 09:03 PM: Strider_Sheidoshaw: you don't know what you're talking about by the freehit glitch. the people you play must not know how to block it. when you teleport to the other side tell you're friend to walk towards strider so you will walk away from the rocks. it will block it. i tried it a million times. then explain how people are to block assists when the opponent does a crossover. Posted by MarkyMark on 04:01:2001 10:04 PM: quote: Originally posted by aks216 when you teleport to the other side tell you're friend to walk towards strider so you will walk away from the rocks. it will block it. No, no, no. You gotta block with respect to Strider - hold away from Strider, towards the assist. Walking forward will make you eat rocks in your back. Posted by aks216 on 04:01:2001 10:06 PM: MarkyMark: that's how i always did it. Then what about the crossovers? i always blocked the other way and it worked fine. Posted by aks216 on 04:01:2001 10:09 PM: never mind, i just tried it out and you're right. Posted by MarkyMark on 04:02:2001 05:37 AM: ...Strider-whatever, you going to reply? Posted by Spider-Dan on 04:02:2001 06:04 PM: How does a thread like this last this long? If what you were saying was remotely true (unblockable assist if you are on the other side and you don't attack) almost any assist + Spiral teleport would be unstoppable. Think about that. People, regardless of what side your opponent is on, if they are attacking or not, if you hold AWAY from the PRIMARY (point) character you *WILL* block any blockable attack on screen (provided you block low attacks low etc.). This has been the case since XSF (yes, you can do crossup double teams in XSF, try Cammy/Storm against an airborne opponent). All times are GMT. The time now is 11:12 PM. Show all 63 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.